Why do companies upgrade to our new address book widget?
Because it gets them 60% more leads from their users.
Wow! How come?
Lower Abandonment Rate...
More people get through to the end of the contact selection process than ever before. Abandonment rates for our upgraded customers have dropped 10-20% across the board.
...and More Contacts Selected
Users are ultimately selecting more of their friends because the interface is easier to use. The average number of contacts selected by users for our upgraded customers is up as much as 50%.
How do I upgrade?
It couldn’t be easier. We’ll reconfigure your account for you.
Send us an email and we’ll handle everything.
Why does the new widget perform so well?
Because it's mobile first.
Responsive Interface
The display is truly responsive, adjusting spacing and sizing to accommodate the display on touch devices.
Familiar Mobile UI
There are tappable alphabet links down the right margin to make finding contacts fast and scrolling on a mobile device feels natural, with the support of inertial scroll.
Native Device Controls
When selecting from multiple email addresses for a single contact, it uses the native select behaviour on mobile devices (e.g. Picker View on iOS).
Mobile-Optimized OAuth Flow
The OAuth flow is supported seamlessly by redirecting the mobile browser instead of trying to manage a separate window.
Because it's convenient.
Address Book Caching
The second time a user connects their address book it’s instantly ready for them.
Selection Review Screen
There is an optional review step so that your users don’t second guess if they’re sharing their desired contacts with your site.
Advanced Search Interface
Searching is faster and the search bar gets out of the way when it’s not needed.
Filtering Contacts
You can optionally focus your users on a smaller list of contacts by filtering on any criteria you like (such as domain name).
Because it's tailored.
Inline HTML
The widget renders as part of your site (rather than being in an iframe). This has resulted in a faster, smoother, more polished user experience.
Completely Customizable
In addition to colours, fonts and borders, you can also change the actual HTML in the widget.
Language Packs
Standard, pre-built and proofread text translations into several languages.
Because it's measurable.
It tracks the number of contacts your users submit. We want to be held accountable to not just the number of address books that we help share but also to the number of individual contact records that are selected.
Google Analytics Integration
Visualize our widget’s performance funnel in your own Google Analytics account. Since the widget UI displays on your site, you can configure the widget to send events using your own tracking id.
No reason to wait. Let's do this!
All you have to do is get in touch with us and we’ll do everything for you.