
Contact Importer for .Net

Additionally to our simple widget integration,
CloudSponge offers an API for .Net.

Get Started

Create your CloudSponge account and tell us your domain. If it’s your development environment you’ll get a CloudSponge Key for free.


Download the .Net wrapper from the GitHub repo: https://github.com/cloudsponge/cloudsponge-lib-net


// instantiate with your CloudSponge credentials
var api = new Api("DomainKey", "DomainPassword");

// Consent example
var consent = api.Consent(ContactSource.Gmail);

// Desktop example
var consent = api.Desktop(ContactSource.Outlook);
// render the value of consent.Url in an applet tag
//  here's an example of one: https://gist.github.com/dangerouse/6510926

var events = api.Events(consent.ImportId);
// Wait for events.IsComplete
var contacts = api.Contacts(consent.ImportId);

Other languages than .Net

Don’t want to use .Net? Not a problem! CloudSponge offers API for several languages:
PHPJavaRuby.NetColdFusion – or even a Do-It-Yourself Approach, which uses a REST API to return Contacts in JSON format.

Try CloudSponge for free in your
testing environment

Get Started

Have a questions or prefer a guided tour?
Schedule a consultation with our Founder.