November 22, 2011

Announcing Deep Widget Links

Deep widget links allow you to hyperlink to each address book source directly on your page and style them however you like.

Everyone knows that for each action you ask your users take in a process a percentage of them will drop off. Removing friction points is a critical step in any user interface improvement process.

Also key to a positive user experience is consistency. We’ve received many requests to make the widget more customizable and integrate more seamlessly into your sites.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve created a new feature that removes a friction point for your users and puts you in more control of the look and feel. We call it “deep widget links”.

Deep widget links allow you to hyperlink to each address book source directly on your page and style them however you like, effectively skipping over the menu page of our default widget.

Implementing this new feature just requires a small change to your code snippet. Replace the basic “Add From Address Book” link with your own styled links to each address book source:

<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('yahoo')">Yahoo</a>
<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('gmail')">Gmail</a>
<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('windowslive')">Live</a>
<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('aol')">Aol</a>
<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('plaxo')">Plaxo</a>
<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('outlook')">Outlook</a>
<a onclick="cloudsponge.launch('addressbook')">Mac Address Book</a>

The links in this sample are basic text; since you are adding this code, you can add images and css styling to suit your site.

Check out our contact importer documentation or email us for more details.

Graeme Rouse, CTO at CloudSponge

Follow @thunderouse

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