
Usually, the OAuth flow happens inside a separate window that pops up over the current browser window. If you want to change this behaviour, you can do so with the inlineOauth option. This option lets you specify that the OAuth flow should redirect using the current window.

When the OAuth flow has completed successfully, it will redirect back to the original page, open the contact picker and load the contacts.

For example:

  inlineOauth: true,

Type: boolean
Default: false

When false, OAuth sources will launch a popup window for obtaining authorization from the user. When true, OAuth sources will redirect the entire browser window to obtain authorization. When the authorization flow is complete, the browser will be redirected back to the original page and the contact picker will open and display the result of the import. You can specify "mobile" which will cause the inline behaviour when the contact picker loads on a mobile browser only.

Note: Because the OAuth flow needs to redirect back to your webpage, the URL for your site needs to be fewer than 256 bytes long and be available to GET requests.

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